Posts tagged leadership
Top 5 DUCO Conversations in 2021

What has your TOP FIVE conversations been in 2021?

Has it been about COVID? Adjusting your organization or church? Key trends in our world?

Feel free to see what conversations DUCO has been a part of in 2021.

And, feel free to add your thoughts to the ongoing conversations as we head into 2022.

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Spiritual Roundabouts: 5 Ways To Find Grace In The Grind of a COVID-culture

Have you ever been in a round about? A busy traffic circle?

In most cases, roundabouts are high areas of use and are designed to slow down traffic. Yet, in our current culture, traffic roundabouts also reveal the busyness around us; the high impact of “activity”; and the fast pace in which we live.

These areas, at times, are marked with hardness due to overuse, displays of decay because of the bustle; and hotspots for accidents to occur.

This can also happen to our hearts.

This post is about practical ways finding grace in the midst of the grinds of life.

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Be Ahead of COVID: Are you Ready?

As leaders, it is important to respond and react as needed. This includes crisis-management, relational needs, and pastoral duties. With that said, another important area of leadership is strategic action.

The ONLY way to be ahead of COVID is to be strategic. Are you?

Here are six key ways to be ahead of COVID.

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Engaging the Digital Age: 21 Practical Ideas to Engage People ONLINE

In a day and age where everyone + anyone is ONLINE, it is critical to know what to do to practically. How do you engage people well? How do you stay connected? As I continue to connect with leaders and pastors who are looking for practical ideas, I figured I’d write down 21 practical ways to engage people ONLINE. Feel free to check out it and ADD to the conversation.

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Experiencing COVID Fatigue? 5 Practical Ways to Find Self-Care in the Midst of Crisis

Crisis causes exhaustion, fatigue, and pain. And yet, crisis gives leaders opportunity to rise to the occasion. To find opportunities to ministry in the midst of obstacles. To adapt and influence. And, with that said, find creative ways to experience self-care in the midst of crisis. Here are 5 practical ways to experience self-care in the midst of COVID:

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5 Insecurities EVERY Leader Wrestles With (And How to Overcome)


Crisis reveals hearts. Crisis gives you and I opportunity to help others. Crisis helps leaders to innovate, be creative, and adjust. AND crisis can cause anxiety, fear, and insecurity. How you handle crisis reveals what type of leader you are. How has this modern-day unprecedented  crisis shaped your leadership? Here are 5 practical ways to fight insecurity and lead with confidence during crisis.

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"Remember When" Moments in Ministry

Have you had “remember when” moments in ministry? Those conversations are special. Last a lifetime. And reveal the heart of ministry. This post is about how to create ministry that lasts. Ministry that goes beyond a message, program, and/or an event. These moments come over time when leaders build resiliency, grit, and heart for mission, for people, for the Kingdom. What are your “remember when” moments?

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Overwhelmed in Ministry? 10 Ways to Empower Others For Ministry

Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Not meeting your deadlines? Flirting with burnout? Tasks and/or people falling through the cracks in your ministry? These are just some signs of a person who needs to empower others in ministry. You are a good leader. You love people. You are amazing. YET, you have come to a place where you’ve reached your capacity. You have reached your max. To be honest, everyone in ministry does. BUT, it is your choice what to do next. Burnout or Empower?

Obviously, it is best to empower others. But how? Well, here are some practical ways to START empowering others for ministry:

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Healing from Brokenness: 5 Ways to Rebuild Trust When It Has Been Broken

This week, I have heard from three seasoned leaders about their trust journey in leadership. Each of these leaders have experienced bad leadership. They’ve dealt with mistrust, ineffective leadership, insecurities in power, mismanagement of finances and much more. And when organizations lead out of mistrust and hurt, human brokenness tends to rise. And trust deteriorates.


  • How do your rebuild trust when you have lost it organizationally?

  • How do you heal from those who have lost your trust personally?

  • How do you regain influence when others don’t trust you?

These are great questions. In fact, most people do NOT know how to regain trust. Most live a life of unforgiveness, resentment, “saltiness”, suspicion. In other words, we live with ghosts. This effects everything we do and who we are. And ultimately, when leaders who do NOT trust, build trust, and/or rebuild trust then leadership, influence, and impact will plateau (and eventually decline).

This is why leaders NEED to rebuild trust and heal from mistrust.

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