Posts in Theology
Winning by Losing

In a culture, as Will Ferrell has famously said, “if you are not first, you’re last.” And it seems in a culture which is fueled by hyper individualism, winning in life or politics or economics or relationships or fill-in-the “blank” is a me-first concept.

But with Jesus (and the Church), winning is NOT at all costs. For Jesus, winning was not the prize. It was to lose His life to win.

How can you win by losing?

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Spiritual Roundabouts: 5 Ways To Find Grace In The Grind of a COVID-culture

Have you ever been in a round about? A busy traffic circle?

In most cases, roundabouts are high areas of use and are designed to slow down traffic. Yet, in our current culture, traffic roundabouts also reveal the busyness around us; the high impact of “activity”; and the fast pace in which we live.

These areas, at times, are marked with hardness due to overuse, displays of decay because of the bustle; and hotspots for accidents to occur.

This can also happen to our hearts.

This post is about practical ways finding grace in the midst of the grinds of life.

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"Remember When" Moments in Ministry

Have you had “remember when” moments in ministry? Those conversations are special. Last a lifetime. And reveal the heart of ministry. This post is about how to create ministry that lasts. Ministry that goes beyond a message, program, and/or an event. These moments come over time when leaders build resiliency, grit, and heart for mission, for people, for the Kingdom. What are your “remember when” moments?

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6 Practical Tools to Discern God's Will in Your Life

I get this ALL the time: “What is God’s Will in My Life?” In short, you are called to love God and love people. If you do this, you are in the perfect will of God. With that said, you are also created BY God with gifts, talents, and abilities that needs to be contextualized… and this takes time! Below are some practical tools to discern God’s very best for your life…

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Gaps in Culture: How the GOSPEL will ALWAYS be the Answer

Gaps in Culture that the GOSPEL Answers

There are certain things culture tries to answer but cannot - love, pain, suffering, purpose - yet the GOSPEL does. I call this “Gaps in Culture”. In fact, culture - or anything in culture - has NO answer compared to the Good News of the GOSPEL. Lets explore this…

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The Call TO Discipleship

With the millions of things you have on your plate as a youth worker, how do you evaluate + build a culture of discipleship where young people are transformed into effective, Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus?  This post is to help you BUILD a culture of discipleship that is practical, measurable, and effective. Feel FREE to make the most out of the discipleship assessment too. Enjoy the Journey! 

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Building a Theology of Fun in Youth Ministry

Jesus said,

"I have come to give life to the FULL..." He is saying that life is MEANT to be purposeful, abundant, lacking nothing, extraordinary, and exciting. This post is about going through the FIVE principles of FUN that EVERY youth ministry should experience. In other words, building a theology of FUN in Youth Ministry. 

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