Posts in Emerging
Infobesity: The Science Behind the Pings, Dings, and Dopamine

 Attention Economy is ONE of the many strategies digital platforms use to keep you engaged in digital activity.

For example, the science behind the pings and dings of your digital device is to offer you small hits of dopamine. Like a key opening the front door to your home, dopamine stimulates the neurons of your brain to engage you in activity.

The question is, who OR what has your ultimate attention? The digital or the divine?

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Top 5 DUCO Conversations in 2021

What has your TOP FIVE conversations been in 2021?

Has it been about COVID? Adjusting your organization or church? Key trends in our world?

Feel free to see what conversations DUCO has been a part of in 2021.

And, feel free to add your thoughts to the ongoing conversations as we head into 2022.

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The GREAT Reset: 5 Resets the Church is Experiencing

You’ve experienced the upheavals, redirections, pivots, and changes we’ve all had to make (and continue to make). And like YOU, I have experienced the burdens, grief, and weight of these decisions in light of a world pandemic.

With that said, the pandemic has also allowed the Church to reset. And, what I mean with reset is to have the permission and ability to shape what the Church should or could look like/be rather than what it was/is.

We have the ability and permission to experiment. Reboot. Reimagine.

Here are 5 ways I am experiencing the Great Reset

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What The Church Can Learn From LEGO

In 2004, LEGO redesigned EVERYTHING to address their declined influence around the world. Today, in 2020, LEGO is the second largest toy maker in the world and has experienced the highest level of success in their history. In reflection, here are 5 ways the Church can learn from LEGO to address decline and realize the infinite potential the Church has in our world today.

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5 Ways to Save a Life During COVID

Today is the World Day of Suicide Awareness and Prevention. Unfortunately, suicide is the second leading cause of deaths between the ages of 18-35 and is increasing on a daily basis during COVID.

I have experienced the painful realities of suicide myself. My younger brother was tragically taken away from us FAR too early. This post is to offer practical HOPE for those who are struggling with self-destructive thoughts and suicide. You are NOT alone!

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