Posts in Millennials
Dealing with the Ghosts: How to Lead through Blindspots During Crisis


We all have them.

Things that POP up every once-in-a-while that tend to reveal their ugly face.

It can be a leadership blindspot, an unaware character trait, stress behavior. We tend to see ghosts MORE often during times of crisis, pain, or hurt. In fact, ghosts can hinder leadership currency if not dealt with face on. I see it all the time.

And with that said, there are some GREAT ways to deal with the ghosts. In fact, the BEST way to deal with ghosts is found in mentoring.

This post is the 5 REASONS of WHY you need a mentor in your life and HOW to find a great mentor.

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Retaining the Next Generation of Disciples: 3 Important Areas Students Need to be Confident in their Faith

Have you ever seen a student confident in their faith? It is contagious. Faith-filled. Encouraging. It is quite the experience. How does that happen?

This post is to outline the three key areas for faith to thrive in younger generations and to practically resource you to build confident faith in students.

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"Remember When" Moments in Ministry

Have you had “remember when” moments in ministry? Those conversations are special. Last a lifetime. And reveal the heart of ministry. This post is about how to create ministry that lasts. Ministry that goes beyond a message, program, and/or an event. These moments come over time when leaders build resiliency, grit, and heart for mission, for people, for the Kingdom. What are your “remember when” moments?

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The Best Leaders Are? 5 Ways to GROW in Your Leadership Today

The BEST leaders are not those who are necessarily great communicators, or strategic, or charismatic. The best leaders are not managerial. The best leaders are those who know how to be a servant. That’s right, the best leaders lead serving people. Here is why?

Feel free to take a complimentary servant leadership assessment here.

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Are you Ready? Leadership Development for the Next Generation of Leaders

After 17 years of working with the next generation, I have noticed few themes of leadership development that have sticked with the next generation. If you are reading this, I hope this brings clarity on how to engage, recruit, and retain the next generation for your organization, ministry, and/or business.

According to Forbes…

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6 Practical Tools to Discern God's Will in Your Life

I get this ALL the time: “What is God’s Will in My Life?” In short, you are called to love God and love people. If you do this, you are in the perfect will of God. With that said, you are also created BY God with gifts, talents, and abilities that needs to be contextualized… and this takes time! Below are some practical tools to discern God’s very best for your life…

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Gaps in Culture: How the GOSPEL will ALWAYS be the Answer

Gaps in Culture that the GOSPEL Answers

There are certain things culture tries to answer but cannot - love, pain, suffering, purpose - yet the GOSPEL does. I call this “Gaps in Culture”. In fact, culture - or anything in culture - has NO answer compared to the Good News of the GOSPEL. Lets explore this…

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