Posts in Monday Morning Hangovers
Winning by Losing

In a culture, as Will Ferrell has famously said, “if you are not first, you’re last.” And it seems in a culture which is fueled by hyper individualism, winning in life or politics or economics or relationships or fill-in-the “blank” is a me-first concept.

But with Jesus (and the Church), winning is NOT at all costs. For Jesus, winning was not the prize. It was to lose His life to win.

How can you win by losing?

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Hard Hearts or Soft Hearts: What does your organization reveal about your heart as a leader?

Our hearts reveal what type of organizations/congregations we lead. Is your heart soft and pliable to change? Is your organization and/or congregation open to pivot to the post-COVID world? This article is about how to keep your heart soft so that you can lead open-handed organizations and congregations.

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COVID Leadership Lesson (part 2). Responding to the NOW: "Real-Time" Ministry for "Real Life" Needs

The world is shifting, changing, and morphing at such a fast rate. Daily updates with COVID, the digital age, social media, real-time/instantaneous information is OUR reality. This will DEMAND for real-life ministry. This post is to address “The NOW: HOW to respond to “real-time” ministry for “real-life” in a COVID-culture.” Feel free to add your thoughts to the conversation.

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COVID Leadership Lesson (part 1): Resilient Leaders Build Resilient Ministries

Have you ever had to take your vehicle in to get a tune-up? To get fixed? To replace a part? Of course, you have!

In fact, we get our vehicles regularly maintained to get the most out of them. WHY? So we extend the life of our vehicles.

In the same way, resilient leadership works this way. The emotional dashboard starts to beep at us, we feel the fatigue, the leadership vehicle starts to sputter AND we need a personal “tune-up”. This is an example of personal resiliency.

AND, one of the COVID leadership lesson(s) I have observed is around resiliency; personal and ministerial resiliency.

You may ask, “What is resiliency?” This post is about the signs of personal and ministerial resiliency…

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Spiritual Roundabouts: 5 Ways To Find Grace In The Grind of a COVID-culture

Have you ever been in a round about? A busy traffic circle?

In most cases, roundabouts are high areas of use and are designed to slow down traffic. Yet, in our current culture, traffic roundabouts also reveal the busyness around us; the high impact of “activity”; and the fast pace in which we live.

These areas, at times, are marked with hardness due to overuse, displays of decay because of the bustle; and hotspots for accidents to occur.

This can also happen to our hearts.

This post is about practical ways finding grace in the midst of the grinds of life.

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What I Seem to Not Shake Off: The Tiring Effects of Covid?

Have you ever been tired before?

I mean, not the tired from a busy season of ministry OR a weekend away for a conference/camp OR staying up too late binging on the latest show, but tired beyond reason?

A tiredness that seems to sink into me emotionally, relationally, spiritually.

Been there before?

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Be Ahead of COVID: Are you Ready?

As leaders, it is important to respond and react as needed. This includes crisis-management, relational needs, and pastoral duties. With that said, another important area of leadership is strategic action.

The ONLY way to be ahead of COVID is to be strategic. Are you?

Here are six key ways to be ahead of COVID.

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