Engaging the Digital Age: 21 Practical Ideas to Engage People ONLINE

As the weeks go by, I continue to get messages asking how to engage people ONLINE. Due to this, DUCO is offering a complimentary leadership session on Beyond Covid: Building an ONLINE Strategy for a New Normal later this month. I strongly encourage you to check it out.

In any case, here are 21 practical ideas to engage people ONLINE:

  1. Keep it simple. Don’t offer things you cannot,

  2. Keep it short. Attention spans ONLINE are short. Teaser vids should be 30 sec. Promo videos under 120 sec. Services should be between 60-75 min,

  3. Keep it real. Be real and authentic. Don’t be a showboat. Be real,

  4. Connect through personal stories. This is a given because personal stories CONNECT with people,

  5. Speak to the camera. The camera is YOUR audience,

  6. Use a online platform people are using. Use FB, IG, Church online,

  7. Ask younger generations to help with your online presence,

  8. Point to Hope. Point people to Jesus,

  9. Offer online follow-up. A class. A course. A small group. Offer ways people can connect ONLINE and interact with each other,

  10. Stay connected OFFLINE. Connect with over the phone,

  11. Use IG + FB stories to share information of what your organization is doing ONLINE,

  12. Have an ONLINE platform for giving. People give to mission + vision. People give because Christ has given. Make it secure, safe, and simple,

  13. When speaking to a camera, have it above your waste. People don’t need to see your nose hairs,

  14. Use humour. Make fun of yourself. Share bloopers. Try to have fun. Connect through humour,

  15. Be interactive. Ask questions. Allow people to speak into your ONLINE presence. Answer questions. Engage people in dialogue, not just monologue,

  16. Be consistent. Be on time. Pre-record your script. Speak clear. Don’t mumble. Retake it if you have to. Use natural light.

  17. Ask your network to SHARE your posts. This is an important one. Studies show people ONLINE will ENGAGE MORE if you have personal profiles sharing information, stories, or videos onto their social media platforms. You will engage MORE people that way rather than a business/organization/ministry page.

  18. Be presentable. Use a good backdrop. Comb your hair. Be energetic.

  19. Be creative. Try to offer content that is unique. Don’t copy and paste from other platforms, organizations, or churches,

  20. Train your network to use their social media platforms to point people to Jesus.

  21. Offer a daily “Talk”. Encourage people to get into the Word with you. Offer a small group study. Do an Alpha Series ONLINE. Do a midweek prayer + worship time. Interact with God and others ONLINE.

What practical ideas have you used to practical engage people ONLINE? Feel free to add to the conversation.