Experiencing COVID Fatigue? 5 Practical Ways to Find Self-Care in the Midst of Crisis

The last 3 weeks have been quite the ride!

  • I have had to let go of competent and capable staff,

  • I am - with my wonderful wife, Annick - have become teachers of FOUR online school students (not ONLY parents, juggling work, and everyday life),

  • Shepherding people through crisis, and

  • Responding to an online strategy for work.

I find myself, at times, emotionally, relationally, and physically exhausted.

Have you been there?

I think you have.

Crisis does this. Leadership does this. It causes exhaustion, fatigue, and pain. And yet, crisis gives leaders opportunity to rise to the occasion. To find opportunities to ministry in the midst of obstacles. To adapt and influence. And, with that said, find creative ways to experience self-care in the midst of crisis. Here are 5 practical ways to experience self-care in the midst of COVID:

Find “Spiritual” Springs.

In Psalm 23, we see the idea of God leading us into green pastures + quiet waters. This is the idea of BEING with God. It is resting with God to find renewal in the soul. Please NOTE this is not about Scripture reading or spiritual disciplines. It is about quieting yourself so that you can hear from God. Hearing from God does INCLUDE Scripture and spiritual disciplines but isn’t the goal. Quiet places - physically, emotionally, and spiritually - is the goal.

Find Ways to Connect

In a time where you and I are mandated to socially be distant you and I can still be socially connected. Find ways to connect with those closest to you. Family, friends, those who bring you life. What ways have you connected with those who are closest to you?

Find Pockets of Grace

For me, I have found “pockets” (moments, memories, times) where God reveals Himself to me, personally. I am reminded of God’s goodness, character, and grace during crisis. I call these times pockets of grace. What are those moments for you? Reflect, ponder, and remind yourself of God’s goodness and grace for you!

Find Ways to Stay Active

This might sound simple and clear but it is harder to find ways to stay active in a self-isolated culture. With that said, staying active decreases stress, increases creativity, build self-esteem, and so much more. In fact, activity Enhances Your Ministry in practical ways.

What ways are you staying active during COVID? If you are looking for a personalized + professional active fitness plan as leaders, feel free to reach out to me as a NASM fitness coach.

Define a Course of Action during COVID

In crisis, leaders define a course. They build a course of action. This is a “sign” of good leadership in the midst of crisis. In the same way, leaders need to build a personal plan. A plan of HOW to experience self-care spiritually, relationally, mentally, and physically during crisis. This is important to STAY the course. WHY? So leaders can lead well during crisis.

My plan

My personal plan is simple during crisis. Take it ONE. DAY. AT A TIME. :)

With that said, here are some of the details to my plan:

Spiritual - Psalm/Proverb per day, prayer, quiet times in the morning (BEFORE everyone wakes up), and coffee.

Relational - activity with kids, conversations with Annick, “date” schedule with family + friends.

Mental - read books, going through an online course with GFU.

Physical - run 3x/week, full-body workout 3x/week with fitness bands. Eat healthy. Build a schedule for work. Take regular breaks.

What is your plan?