Posts in Youth Ministry
Retaining the Next Generation of Disciples: 3 Important Areas Students Need to be Confident in their Faith

Have you ever seen a student confident in their faith? It is contagious. Faith-filled. Encouraging. It is quite the experience. How does that happen?

This post is to outline the three key areas for faith to thrive in younger generations and to practically resource you to build confident faith in students.

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5 Insecurities EVERY Leader Wrestles With (And How to Overcome)


Crisis reveals hearts. Crisis gives you and I opportunity to help others. Crisis helps leaders to innovate, be creative, and adjust. AND crisis can cause anxiety, fear, and insecurity. How you handle crisis reveals what type of leader you are. How has this modern-day unprecedented  crisis shaped your leadership? Here are 5 practical ways to fight insecurity and lead with confidence during crisis.

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"Remember When" Moments in Ministry

Have you had “remember when” moments in ministry? Those conversations are special. Last a lifetime. And reveal the heart of ministry. This post is about how to create ministry that lasts. Ministry that goes beyond a message, program, and/or an event. These moments come over time when leaders build resiliency, grit, and heart for mission, for people, for the Kingdom. What are your “remember when” moments?

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Overwhelmed in Ministry? 10 Ways to Empower Others For Ministry

Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Not meeting your deadlines? Flirting with burnout? Tasks and/or people falling through the cracks in your ministry? These are just some signs of a person who needs to empower others in ministry. You are a good leader. You love people. You are amazing. YET, you have come to a place where you’ve reached your capacity. You have reached your max. To be honest, everyone in ministry does. BUT, it is your choice what to do next. Burnout or Empower?

Obviously, it is best to empower others. But how? Well, here are some practical ways to START empowering others for ministry:

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6 Practical Tools to Discern God's Will in Your Life

I get this ALL the time: “What is God’s Will in My Life?” In short, you are called to love God and love people. If you do this, you are in the perfect will of God. With that said, you are also created BY God with gifts, talents, and abilities that needs to be contextualized… and this takes time! Below are some practical tools to discern God’s very best for your life…

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What Are Your Growth Engines in Ministry?

Planting seeds. This is the reality of planting, investing, and being strategic, in areas of our churches where the outcomes far outweigh the investment. In business, they call this “growth engines”.Growth engines are strategic outcomes (up to 30% or more) of what has been invested into it. This is the reality of next generation ministries (NGM) throughout Canada. Why?

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