Redeem digital spaces


Have you experienced information overload online?

Have you experienced screen fatigue?

Have you even been distracted from work or school or key relationships because of your digital pings, dings, and feeds?

Well, if we are honest with ourselves, we all have!

Whether you know it or not, our digital devices shape us. And, if you are a student, pastor, leader, a construction worker, a professional, or even a stay-at-home parent, we have all been influenced by the digital world.

With that said, do you know HOW your digital practices are shaping you?

Well, we have developed a self-awareness assessment to help you understand your digital practices! This includes the practice of digital awareness, the practice of developing healthy digital habits, and the practice of redeeming digital spaces.

Below is a series of specialized assessments for YOU! Feel free to choose one and redeem digital spaces today!

the infobesity™ assessment

Join the community

Join the Redeem Digital Spaces Community!

We have ONLINE communities and workshops for parents, pastors, and students.

We want to hear from you!

Your feedback is IMPORTANT to us!

When you fill out this form, it helps us to be at our best.

In fact, your feedback is SO important to us that we want to give YOU a chance to win a Amazon Gift Card on us (announced at the end of each month)!

Thank you SO much!

Have a GREAT day!