Dealing with the Ghosts: How to Lead through Blindspots During Crisis


We all have them.

Things that POP up every once-in-a-while that tend to reveal their ugly face.

It can be a leadership blindspot, an unaware character trait, stress behavior. We tend to see ghosts MORE often during times of crisis, pain, or hurt. In fact, ghosts can hinder leadership currency if not dealt with face on. I see it all the time.

And with that said, there are some GREAT ways to deal with the ghosts. In fact, the BEST way to deal with ghosts is found in mentoring.

Mentoring may be a BIG word. AND, if you are reading this, you have your own experience(s), ideas, and definitions of mentoring. But mentoring is ONE of the most important leadership developments for the 21st Century. There are SO many benefits to an intentional mentoring track for your life, leadership, and ministry. To tell you the truth, EVERYONE needs a mentor. Here are the reasons WHY:

Mentoring Leverage Your Calling

80% of ALL Olympians base their success in their sport not on their skills, talents, abilities, opportunities, money, or genetics but based on their coach (1). I find this interesting! Its true that talent and charisma will elevate a person to a position of leadership, but character will keep someone there.

Mentoring Confront the Ghosts

Leadership sciences suggest each of us has at least 3.4 blindspots in our lives (2) – either in leadership, character, and personality. A mentor helps you + I to know, understand, and adjust our lives so blindspots don’t blindside us. Do you have someone safe enough to speak into those areas of your life?

Mentoring Creates Opportunities

Mentoring is one of the most valuable keys for leadership development in the 21st Century. In today’s culture – that is full of broken relationships and the consequences of that – people need healthy mentors to speak life in love and truth. Do you have someone like that?

Mentoring Engages Younger Leaders

It is proven that intentional mentoring helps younger leaders to go further faster in their confidence, competencies, and calling. Mentoring is more than an occasional chat… it is intentional, personal, and is for growth. Do you have a system that helps you grow?

Mentoring Provides Resiliency For Ministry

Mentoring that is intentional and personal – provides a base of longevity in ministry that many others would not have had. 90% of all pastors have experienced loneliness in ministry because they don’t have a trusted friend (3). This is a sad reality… We ALL need friends and mentors!

Are you Looking for an Intentional Mentor?

An intentional mentor is someone who HONES the call of God in your life? To confront the ghosts in leadership. To Build leaders. And to be resilient - not just survive but thrive - in leadership, relationships, and ministry.

If you are looking for this, I would strongly encourage you to check out the DUCO Mentorship Journey. Since 2015, DUCO has intentionally mentored 30 leaders in non-profit, business, and ministerial contexts. To hear their stories, stay connected with DUCO here.

(1) Tony Dungy, The Mentoring Leader

(2) GLS, Session one, 2015

(3) Pastoral Care Inc., updated stats