The Best Leaders Are? 5 Ways to GROW in Your Leadership Today

The BEST leaders are not those who are necessarily great communicators, or strategic, or charismatic. The best leaders are not managerial. The best leaders are those who know how to be a servant. That’s right, the best leaders are servant leaders. Here is why?

Servant leaders serve people.

Leaders know how to make a difference in this world by putting people first. Before profit. Before ministry. Before titles. People are #1. This is servant leadership. Servant leaders care for people. Servant leaders know how to connect, not just communicate, with people. Servant leaders build relationship with people. Servant leaders understand felt needs. And make a difference by meeting felt needs. How are you serving others?

Servant leaders bring out the best in others.

This is an important one. Servant leaders know how to SEE the best in others; even when people don’t see it in themselves. It is the ability to help people see themselves better, to bring out the best in everyone, and influence people to be at their best. Of course, this doesn’t happen outside of trust + relationships. But how are you bringing out the best in others?

Servant leaders learn from everyone.

In our informational age, it is easy to gather information and not be a learner. Learning, for me, is the ability to become better. It is the motivation to grow. It is the ability to learn from people (the good, the bad, the ugly), continued education, and experience. Learning requires ALL three pathways to grow; relationships, education, and experience. How are you learning to be a better leader?

Servant leaders know how to follow.

Servant leaders know how to follow. You cannot be a good leader until you know how to follow. And lets be honest, ALL leaders follow someone. It may be a board, a supervisor, a mentor, a business. In any case, leaders need to know how to follow or they won’t have followers to lead.

Servant leaders learn from the best.

Jesus - who is the leader or ALL leaders - said that He came to serve, not to be served. Jesus came to serve many and ransom His life for others. Quite amazing that Jesus would do this for humanity. Jesus is the example of what a servant leader looks like.

And with that said, servant leaders KNOW how to serve people, bring out the best in others, is a continual learner, and knows how to follow.

This, my friend, is the BEST way to lead.

If you want to take a complimentary servant leadership assessment on how to grow your leadership, feel free to connect with DUCO here.