6 Practical Tools to Discern God's Will in Your Life

I get this ALL the time: “What is God’s Will in My Life?”

In short, you are called to love God and love people. If you do this, you are in the perfect will of God.

With that said, you are also created BY God with gifts, talents, and abilities that needs to be contextualized… and this takes time!

Below are some practical tools that have helped me, personally, to bring clarity around HOW God has created me. I hope this helps you too. Here they are:

Journal Entry, Nov 28, 2013

Journal Entry, Nov 28, 2013

  • Tic tac toe grid - write down 9 things that BRINGS life to you and do those things. Below shows you what brings life to me,

  • Opportunities - the tic tac toe grid brings clarity on what opportunities to say YES to and/or what to say NO to. Too often, leaders tend to say YES to everything rather than stay focused on what they need to do... in the moment.

  • X-Factor - of course, the Holy Spirit is the trump card. If HE is giving you peace in a context /ministry/vocation, then go for it. God goes before us.

  • Mentors - do mentors, family, friends affirm where you are going and/or what you are going to do? This is important because they have your BEST interests in mind. Trust them.

  • Stay Focused - sometimes, we get distracted WHERE we want to be rather than WHERE we are now. Focus on where God has planted you… be faithful... because fruitfulness follows faithfulness.

  • Submit - God truly does have the best for you… so, wait on HIM. Don’t go ahead of Him… you’ll just mess things up, believe me.

I hope these simple tools will help bring clarity to you. HOW Has God led you? What tools have helped you discern HIS will?