Things to Quit Every Day

I believe Bob Goff suggests everyone should quit something. I think this is a good perspective because quitting MAY help me to be:

- more focused on what matters most (like vocation, family, relationships, taking care of self),

- humble (a prerequisite to continued learning), and

- to be sharp (to keep growing as a person).

So, I decided to quit something for 150 days. I did this by reflecting in my journal for 7 minutes / day and asked myself, “what gave me life today?”, “What drained my energy today?”, and “What things do I need to quit today so that I can be MORE focused, humble, and sharp?” Interesting enough, here are some of my findings:

1. I quit screens. I’ve noticed nothing really proactive or productive happens to me on screens. Even sports, news, or a movie... I found this fascinating. I still watch my TSN highlights though... and movies with the kids but don’t binge. What a waste of time my time!

2. I quit buying worthless junk. Man, I’ve learnt to be content! Especially when I quit getting suckered in to buy stuff that doesn’t last.

3. I quit eating junk. Tastes good but doesn’t give me energy throughout the day. I know this sounds simple but this can literally change your life when you eat right. Honestly though, I really do like Ms Vickie’s Salt n Vinegar chips. Those chips call out my name at times!  

4. I quit being distracted. Socials, an unplanned schedule, staying up too late on TV distracts me. Quitting distraction has helped me stay focused.

5. I quit being caught up in drama. More and more I believe people who cause drama like drama. But, drama for the sake of drama leads to nothing productive. When I quit being sucked into drama by being proactive (talk it out, find clarity, and build an action plan together), drama goes away. Amazing.

6. I quit on self-negativity. Thoughts, actions, labels, socials, self can ALL contribute to this. I find I need to be diligent and intentional to quit negativity. I do this by speaking life into my life, being with life-giving people, healthy activities, and faith.

7. Quit ______________________. What do you need to quit so that you can be more focused, humble, and sharp in your life?!?  

Feel free to add to the convo.