Confidence in Calling: 3 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Leadership

Uncertainty, fear of the unknown, self-doubt, the digital age, broken homes, mental illness are all realities of decreased confidence in next generation leaders. In fact, I have found more leaders deal with confidence in their calling than ever before.

Calling, in essence, is understanding, knowing, and living out your SHAPE. With that said, it takes confidence to live it out. Here are 3 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Leadership…

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Your MOST Important Leadership Task: 3 Ways to Lead Your Personal Life

Your most important leadership task is actually not a task. It will be a life-long journey. A reality that needs to be on the forefront of your leadership every single day!

It is the reality of taking care of those who are the closest to you - your spouse, your family, and yourself. This WILL be your most important leadership task…

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The Best Leaders Are? 5 Ways to GROW in Your Leadership Today

The BEST leaders are not those who are necessarily great communicators, or strategic, or charismatic. The best leaders are not managerial. The best leaders are those who know how to be a servant. That’s right, the best leaders lead serving people. Here is why?

Feel free to take a complimentary servant leadership assessment here.

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Leading Change Well: 3 Ways to Pastor Congregational Change

Fortunately, I have seen:

  • Historymaker jump 10% growth/year in the last 5 years; including 2 HM campuses,

  • Time-out revitalized and influencing more next gen leaders,

  • Planting 3 youth ministries in churches that didn’t have youth programs and representing 85 students,

  • Raising tens of thousands of dollars for next gen initiatives, and

  • Initiating an intentional national leadership certification for next gen leaders with the PAOC.

HOW did this happen? In short, it’s about strategic and intentional CHANGE.

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Building Bridges: 5 Ways the Church needs to Reconnect with Culture

First and foremost, this isn’t a post to bash the Church OR Culture. It’s about building bridges, understanding each other, and getting back to the divine purpose(s) of what the Church is meant to be. In light of the trending conversations over socials and Evangelicalism, here are some ways to reconnect.

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Are you Ready? Leadership Development for the Next Generation of Leaders

After 17 years of working with the next generation, I have noticed few themes of leadership development that have sticked with the next generation. If you are reading this, I hope this brings clarity on how to engage, recruit, and retain the next generation for your organization, ministry, and/or business.

According to Forbes…

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Entering Into A New Decade: 10 things I have learnt about the last 10 years

As a new decade is on the horizon, the best way to plan + prepare for a new decade is to see what the last decade has taught us. Here are 10 things that I have learnt about the last 10 years.

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