Confidence in Calling: 3 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Leadership

Uncertainty, fear of the unknown, self-doubt, the digital age, broken homes, mental illness are all realities of decreased confidence in next generation leaders. In fact, I have found more leaders deal with confidence in their calling than ever before.

Calling, in essence, is understanding, knowing, and living out your SHAPE. With that said, it takes confidence to live it out. Here are 3 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Leadership:

Know WHO you are (and who you are not)

One way to build your confidence is to know who you are and who you are not. It is about knowing your identity. Culture defines identity based on your experience. Culture based identity is based by:

  • How you feel,

  • Sexual orientation,

  • Result-based,

  • Personalized truth,

Yet, in the Biblical context, identity is based in Christ. In Christ, we are:

  • Children of God,

  • Transformed into the likeness of Christ,

  • Inheritance in Eternity,

  • Access to every spiritual blessing,

  • Loved by God,

So, the question is, where do you put your confidence based on your identity? In Christ or in culture?

Take ACTION (starting today)

Second, you and I can build confidence in our calling by taking action. It is the ability to step out into the unknown and to grow in your leadership. It is developing the skills, talents, and values that builds confidence as a leader. Don’t wait for a “golden” opportunity. Take action, today. Make a difference, now. Develop your calling.

Now, I want to warn you. Please, do NOT to put your confidence in your talents + abilities. This is called pride. Self-reliance. Performance-based leadership. Are these things important? Absolutely! But we should not be tempted to put our confidence in skills + talents MORE than the ONE who gives us these things. Your leadership will peak if you do.

Have a PLAN (and stick with it)

Last, have a confidence building plan. Fear, self-doubt, self-reliance, negative self-talk are just some examples of the leaders I work with. Most need an intentional plan to build confidence. If you are interested, feel free to take this survey to help understand your confidence level. This assessment will help determine how to build confidence in your leadership.

When you are confident in the right ways, you will leverage your leadership and calling beyond what you can even imagine.

Culturally speaking, I should have never been a pastoral leader. I had the relational and impersonal skills but the skills to speak was definitely lacking. In fact, I was put back in grade 2 because of a speech disability. I have a speech impediment called clumping. The professionals told my parents that, “Andy is very smart but he will never be a public speaker.” (I am not making this stuff up). Even more so, I worked with the next generation for 17 years where I only took 2 educational courses on how to work with the next generation (thats right!).

So, if I can do this, I know you can! HOW? Put your confidence based on your identity, take action (starting today), and stick to a plan.

What are some ways you’ve built confidence in your leadership? Feel free to add to the conversation below.