Your MOST Important Leadership Task: 3 Ways to Lead Your Personal Life

Your most important leadership task is actually not a task. It will be a life-long journey. A reality that needs to be on the forefront of your leadership every single day!

It is the reality of taking care of those who are the closest to you - your spouse, your family, and yourself. This WILL be your most important leadership task. So often, families are affected (for good or worse) around your leadership and your personal life. This WILL BE your most important task - leading YOU. Here are 3 ways how:


Learn the art of taking care of you. How are you taking care of your soul? Your emotions? Your frustrations and discouragements in your leadership journey? How are you taking care of your physical well-being? Remaining pure of heart + mind? Your intellect? Do you have friends who are close to you and you can lean on?

Statistically, 2/3 of leaders say they don’t have good friends. Many feel they live in a glass bottle. Others are distant from their families. The list goes on and on. This is WHY you need to take care of YOU! And, it is NO ONE ELSE’s role to take care of you but you.

So, how are you taking care of you?


This is the ability to “minister” (not pastor) your spouse. It is the ability to love, serve, cherish, champion your spouse. Believe me or not, your spouse has taken huge sacrifices to see you succeed. To achieve your calling and context. Don’t make them sacrifice MORE than they need to. Set weekly date nights. Build boundaries around how many nights you are out in ministry. For me, I will not go out MORE than 2 nights/week. If I am, I will take the morning block off to be close to those who are the closest to me. Understand your spouse’s love language and meet their needs, everyday. Don’t bring ministry home unless asked. Go do something with your spouse that they would love to do. Build a care plan for your spouse. It is worth it! Especially in the long haul.


Ministry and leadership doesn’t need to be about you, alone. Why not get your family involved? Get them into the fun things/perks of ministry. Pull out their gifts/talents for your ministry/business/organization. Build personal ministry plans for your children with your spouse. Create moments of fun and excitement. Show them that living for Jesus is fun. Take them out on date nights. Protect them. Love them. Let your family be your FIRST ministry.

If you are looking for great practical care plans for leaders, feel free to connect with DUCO here. We are here to serve YOU as you serve others in your ministry, business, organization.

How do you practically take care of your spouse, your family, and yourself?

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