Leading Change Well: 3 Ways to Pastor Congregational Change

I’ve been asked lately - with my transition of overseeing 205 churches and next gen leaders to being a local church pastor - of WHY did things turn out well. Well, obviously it’s all about God and His Spirit working. Fortunately, I have seen:

  • Historymaker jump 10% growth/year in the last 5 years; including 2 HM campuses,

  • Timeout being revitalized to influence over 500 next generation leaders over 5 years,

  • Planting 3 youth ministries representing 85 students,

  • Raising tens of thousands of dollars for Next Generation Ministries, and

  • Initiating an intentional national leadership certification for next gen leaders with the PAOC.

HOW did this happen? In short, it’s about strategic and intentional CHANGE. Here are 3 things I have learnt about pastoring change well:

First, involve EVERYONE.

People are willing to change if they are involved. Sharing the WHY, the HOW, and WHAT is important. People don’t respond well to change when they are not involved. Practically speaking, have you done a congregational survey, a SWOT analysis, hosted congregational “fireside” chats, asked the tough questions? This helps get everyone involved.

Second, teach on CHANGE.

Teaching on change is important. In fact, The book of Acts and Nehemiah are hotspots of divine and intentional change. God working, changing, influencing, redeeming. God is all about change. And, ultimately, He has changed you and me. Believe me, change does NOT go well IF you don’t teach on divine Change.

Last, involve GOD.

How? Pray. Pray intentionally. Pray corporately. Lead your congregation IN and THROUGH prayer. Because God is about change. It is through prayer that the ultimate source of Change changes you and I. Why? so we can leverage divine Change to influence our churches, organizations, and businesses.

If you are looking for more resources, ideas, and/or coaching on congregational change, feel free to reach out to me.

How have you pastored change well? Feel free to add to the conversation below.