Work While You Wait: The Death of Resumes and the Rise of Networks

Every year, I get people asking me to either be a reference on their resume and/or share their resume to potential hiring teams for job opportunities. This is great. It shows initiative, drive, and potential opportunity.

With that said, I’m finding that resumes are coming to an end. Here is Why?

  • Because potential hiring teams will know more about you on socials and/or relationships than your resume,

  • Because experience on a resume doesn’t reveal personality/chemistry on a team or organization,

  • Because resumes don’t stand out as much as trusted relationships,

  • Because people are trending to work for themselves. Especially younger millennials and gen z, and

  • Because of the rise of networking and partnerships.

With that said, here are some practical suggestions when it comes to standing out rather than sending a generic resume:

  1. Build a Personal Portfolio. This would include a personality test, gift assessments, a life/work mission statement, written references (because employers are too busy to follow-up. I know this may sound like an excuse but it is true), past work + volunteer experience, and interests/side gigs.

  2. Dont Wait for a Perfect Gig. Don’t wait to find an opportunity, make it happen for today. I find that too many people wait, impatiently a matter of fact, rather than make the most out of their waiting. I would suggest volunteering, become an apprentice, find a mentor in your field you want to build your career in. Work while you wait.

  3. Pray. Yes, pray for HIS guidance. The Holy Spirit knows. Be careful that an opportunity, alone, doesn’t lead you. Obedience, submission to HIS will does, and peace should lead. Pray. Listen. Slow down to respond to opportunity. Let God guide you.

Don’t let your resume die with the others. Build a portfolio, work while you wait, and pray for the Spirit to lead you.