Posts in Ministry
Building Bridges: 5 Ways the Church needs to Reconnect with Culture

First and foremost, this isn’t a post to bash the Church OR Culture. It’s about building bridges, understanding each other, and getting back to the divine purpose(s) of what the Church is meant to be. In light of the trending conversations over socials and Evangelicalism, here are some ways to reconnect.

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Are you Ready? Leadership Development for the Next Generation of Leaders

After 17 years of working with the next generation, I have noticed few themes of leadership development that have sticked with the next generation. If you are reading this, I hope this brings clarity on how to engage, recruit, and retain the next generation for your organization, ministry, and/or business.

According to Forbes…

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Entering Into A New Decade: 10 things I have learnt about the last 10 years

As a new decade is on the horizon, the best way to plan + prepare for a new decade is to see what the last decade has taught us. Here are 10 things that I have learnt about the last 10 years.

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6 Practical Tools to Discern God's Will in Your Life

I get this ALL the time: “What is God’s Will in My Life?” In short, you are called to love God and love people. If you do this, you are in the perfect will of God. With that said, you are also created BY God with gifts, talents, and abilities that needs to be contextualized… and this takes time! Below are some practical tools to discern God’s very best for your life…

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