Does God Work Through Frustration?

Have you ever been frustrated before? I know I have… but does God use frustration to move us into action? I believe so…

Think about Moses and the oppression he felt for his people in Egypt…

Think about King David – at age 14 – who became irritated with a giant mocking God…

Think about Paul and the barriers he had to go through to help the Gentiles to experience God…

Think about God Himself, who sacrificed His one and only Son, so that you and I can have communion with the Creator…

… I think God does use frustration to move us into GODLY action, not human reaction… and with that said, I think… 

… Too many leaders get frustrated and create Ishmaels… 

… Too many leaders are led with their feelings of frustration rather than being led with the Spirit… 

… Too many leaders lean too heavily on experiences, education, and/or opinions without consulting divine wisdom… 

So, if you are frustrated today, be encouraged! God is at work. The question is, how will you respond?