Posts tagged Next Generation
Retaining the Next Generation of Disciples: 3 Important Areas Students Need to be Confident in their Faith

Have you ever seen a student confident in their faith? It is contagious. Faith-filled. Encouraging. It is quite the experience. How does that happen?

This post is to outline the three key areas for faith to thrive in younger generations and to practically resource you to build confident faith in students.

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Embracing the NOW: 5 Ways to Pass the Leadership Baton to the Next Generation

I get the honour and privilege to meet with leaders in various of contexts, ministries, and generations throughout North America. I don’t say this as a humble brag or to puff myself up but to share with you what I am experiencing and my leadership insights with you. I hope you get my perspective too…

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BEYOND COVID: Four Leadership Trends

COVID-19 is changing the way we will live, lead, and love. AND, we won’t know all the change COVID will create yet simply because we are still in the middle of it. With all the new normals you and I are experiencing, there will be trends beyond BEYOND C-19. Here is what I see in leadership:

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5 Insecurities EVERY Leader Wrestles With (And How to Overcome)


Crisis reveals hearts. Crisis gives you and I opportunity to help others. Crisis helps leaders to innovate, be creative, and adjust. AND crisis can cause anxiety, fear, and insecurity. How you handle crisis reveals what type of leader you are. How has this modern-day unprecedented  crisis shaped your leadership? Here are 5 practical ways to fight insecurity and lead with confidence during crisis.

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Confidence in Calling: 3 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Leadership

Uncertainty, fear of the unknown, self-doubt, the digital age, broken homes, mental illness are all realities of decreased confidence in next generation leaders. In fact, I have found more leaders deal with confidence in their calling than ever before.

Calling, in essence, is understanding, knowing, and living out your SHAPE. With that said, it takes confidence to live it out. Here are 3 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Leadership…

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Are you Ready? Leadership Development for the Next Generation of Leaders

After 17 years of working with the next generation, I have noticed few themes of leadership development that have sticked with the next generation. If you are reading this, I hope this brings clarity on how to engage, recruit, and retain the next generation for your organization, ministry, and/or business.

According to Forbes…

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