BEYOND COVID: Four Leadership Trends

COVID-19 is changing the way we will live, lead, and love. AND, we won’t know all the change COVID will create yet simply because we are still in the middle of it. With all the new normals you and I are experiencing, there will be trends beyond BEYOND C-19. Here is what I see in leadership:

Online engagement is here to stay.

BEING online and ENGAGING online is totally different. As leaders, we need to learn how to ENGAGE, not just be PRESENT in the digital world. This means, we need to have a philosophy of technology. A strategic plan. A theology of technology. Do you have one?

Clergy will need side-gigs.

This has been a trend before COVID but I think it will be heightened after COVID. In my experience, most of the non-profit organizations I am connected with have hit a 40-50% drop in donations. If this is true, and the trend continues, clergy will need to be creative on raising and making money on the side.

Relational discipleship will grow.

Programmic discipleship is decreasing. Intentional Mentoring, Gospel coaches, life-based, vocation-focus discipleship will be the stream for people. People are NOT craving content as much as contact. Discipleship needs to be about helping people thrive in their spiritual journey in everyday life, not just in a class or course.

Collaborative Leadership through Facilitated Conversations.

Last, we are ALL in unchartered territory. Due to this, healthy leaders provide collaboration through facilitated conversations. It is the ability for leaders to foster healthy and guided conversation towards collective wisdom, shared resources, and empowerment for one another. This is what GOOD leaders need to do during/after COVID.

In fact, DUCO is offering a complimentary leadership seminar on this next week. I encourage you to check it out.

What trends to you see? Feel free to add to the conversation!