Winning by Losing

In a culture, as Will Ferrell has famously declared, “if you are not first, you’re last.” It seems in a culture which is fuelled by hyper individualism, winning in life or politics or economics or relationships or fill-in-the “blank” is a me-first concept.

But with Jesus (and the Church), winning is NOT at all costs. For Jesus, winning was not the prize. It was to lose His life to win. Amazing, really.

Jesus would say things like,

“if you want to find your life, loose it…”,

“whoever will be first (who wins at ALL costs), will be last…”,

“it is better to give (to loose, at times) than to receive…”,

These were NOT just words Jesus spoke by but lived out. Jesus lost it ALL – even His life – and yet gained it all at the same time.

I wonder, how much MORE would the Church (and Christians) win if we were able to lose? To loosen the grips of culture. Or pride. OR lust. And to win through serving others. Loving the world. And living personally transformed lives by Him.

 How can your Church win when we lose?