Posts tagged mentoring
Top 5 DUCO Conversations in 2021

What has your TOP FIVE conversations been in 2021?

Has it been about COVID? Adjusting your organization or church? Key trends in our world?

Feel free to see what conversations DUCO has been a part of in 2021.

And, feel free to add your thoughts to the ongoing conversations as we head into 2022.

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Dealing with the Ghosts: How to Lead through Blindspots During Crisis


We all have them.

Things that POP up every once-in-a-while that tend to reveal their ugly face.

It can be a leadership blindspot, an unaware character trait, stress behavior. We tend to see ghosts MORE often during times of crisis, pain, or hurt. In fact, ghosts can hinder leadership currency if not dealt with face on. I see it all the time.

And with that said, there are some GREAT ways to deal with the ghosts. In fact, the BEST way to deal with ghosts is found in mentoring.

This post is the 5 REASONS of WHY you need a mentor in your life and HOW to find a great mentor.

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5 Insecurities EVERY Leader Wrestles With (And How to Overcome)


Crisis reveals hearts. Crisis gives you and I opportunity to help others. Crisis helps leaders to innovate, be creative, and adjust. AND crisis can cause anxiety, fear, and insecurity. How you handle crisis reveals what type of leader you are. How has this modern-day unprecedented  crisis shaped your leadership? Here are 5 practical ways to fight insecurity and lead with confidence during crisis.

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Overwhelmed in Ministry? 10 Ways to Empower Others For Ministry

Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Not meeting your deadlines? Flirting with burnout? Tasks and/or people falling through the cracks in your ministry? These are just some signs of a person who needs to empower others in ministry. You are a good leader. You love people. You are amazing. YET, you have come to a place where you’ve reached your capacity. You have reached your max. To be honest, everyone in ministry does. BUT, it is your choice what to do next. Burnout or Empower?

Obviously, it is best to empower others. But how? Well, here are some practical ways to START empowering others for ministry:

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Building a Theology of Fun in Youth Ministry

Jesus said,

"I have come to give life to the FULL..." He is saying that life is MEANT to be purposeful, abundant, lacking nothing, extraordinary, and exciting. This post is about going through the FIVE principles of FUN that EVERY youth ministry should experience. In other words, building a theology of FUN in Youth Ministry. 

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Mentoring Millennials: Asking GREAT Questions to Get GREAT Results

Jesus - the MOST effective influencer humanity has EVER seen - spoke 60% in stories/parables, 30% in giving or answering questions, and 10% in content. 

In the Gospels, Jesus was asked 113 questions, answered 61, and asked 51.*

In the same way, how important is it for you and I to influence millennials through effective questioning?

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