Posts tagged Andy Gabruch
Ghost Values in Ministry: 3 Ways to Understand, Recognize, and Align Yourself for Resilient Ministry

We have all seen it. Values on a wall. Values on a website. Seen values…


EVERY organization and ministry also have ghost values. Ghost values are unseen yet felt. Not spoken but seen. Expected and, to be honest, assumed. Here are 3 ways to understand, recognize, and align yourself with ghost values:

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"Remember When" Moments in Ministry

Have you had “remember when” moments in ministry? Those conversations are special. Last a lifetime. And reveal the heart of ministry. This post is about how to create ministry that lasts. Ministry that goes beyond a message, program, and/or an event. These moments come over time when leaders build resiliency, grit, and heart for mission, for people, for the Kingdom. What are your “remember when” moments?

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Over a Cup of Coffee: 15 Lessons on the Ages + Stages of Ministry

This summer marks 15 years of full-time ministry for me. Looking back, it would have been killer if I had people give me advise through the ages + stages of ministry. This post is about 15 lessons to help young leaders going further faster. Enjoy (over some good coffee)! 

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