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Leadership Conversations For Today.

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DUCO Mentoring is an Intentional Mentorship Network to serve the next generation of leaders, pastors, executives, and professionals (ages 20-39). We also offer Mentorship Masterclasses throughout the year for lead pastors and their teams.

DUCO offers strategic leadership coaching to serve TODAY’s unique and every-changing culture. This includes:

  • Intentional Strategic Planning,

  • Succession Planning,

  • Organizational Change,

  • Revitalization of Ministry,

  • Leadership Pipelines for Ministry,

  • Team Development,

  • Leadership Resiliency.

To date, DUCO has been involved in strategic revitalization of ministries, partnered with national organizations in strategic outcomes, and next generation resourcing. Case studies here.


DUCO Resources

DUCO leadership resources are available to help serve you with the complexity of leadership in a every-changing culture.

All DUCO resources will donate 25% to plant youth ministries throughout BC and the Yukon with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

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