Posts in Kingdom
Communicating TRUTH that Connects

I just got out of a weekend speaking to iGEN (or generation Z). I love speaking to the next generation because it keeps me sharp, real, and effective. Over the years, I have found that my communication styles have changed because, frankly put, culture changes. Besides, I don’t want to be a communicator that simply communicates, I want to connect with my audience. With that said, here are some practical ways to connect with iGen to communicate TRUTH:

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Gaps in Culture: How the GOSPEL will ALWAYS be the Answer

Gaps in Culture that the GOSPEL Answers

There are certain things culture tries to answer but cannot - love, pain, suffering, purpose - yet the GOSPEL does. I call this “Gaps in Culture”. In fact, culture - or anything in culture - has NO answer compared to the Good News of the GOSPEL. Lets explore this…

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The Call TO Discipleship

With the millions of things you have on your plate as a youth worker, how do you evaluate + build a culture of discipleship where young people are transformed into effective, Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus?  This post is to help you BUILD a culture of discipleship that is practical, measurable, and effective. Feel FREE to make the most out of the discipleship assessment too. Enjoy the Journey! 

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Why FORMAL Education Still Works for Ministry

To be honest, this is a pet peeve of mine - young leaders thinking formal education is over-rated. I do understand some of their reasons are valid, but the consequences of not having a good education in ministry hurts young leaders in the long haul. This post is about tracking with one of the most influential leaders in the New Testament, The Apostle Paul. He was highly educated and had the ministry "tools" to kick butt. Check it out and add your thoughts to the convo 

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Infobesity: Finding Purpose In An Over-Informational Culture

This post is by request, "how do you find purpose in a culture that is bombarded by information?" I call this cultural reality "infobesity." With ALL the information at the tip of our fingertips - resources, relationships, SM, we still have a culture that deals with deep lonileness. This post is about how to find purpose in a world that is paralyzed by over-information + lonileness. Feel free to spread the word... 

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