Posts tagged COVID
Top 5 DUCO Conversations in 2021

What has your TOP FIVE conversations been in 2021?

Has it been about COVID? Adjusting your organization or church? Key trends in our world?

Feel free to see what conversations DUCO has been a part of in 2021.

And, feel free to add your thoughts to the ongoing conversations as we head into 2022.

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The GREAT Reset: 5 Resets the Church is Experiencing

You’ve experienced the upheavals, redirections, pivots, and changes we’ve all had to make (and continue to make). And like YOU, I have experienced the burdens, grief, and weight of these decisions in light of a world pandemic.

With that said, the pandemic has also allowed the Church to reset. And, what I mean with reset is to have the permission and ability to shape what the Church should or could look like/be rather than what it was/is.

We have the ability and permission to experiment. Reboot. Reimagine.

Here are 5 ways I am experiencing the Great Reset

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Spiritual Roundabouts: 5 Ways To Find Grace In The Grind of a COVID-culture

Have you ever been in a round about? A busy traffic circle?

In most cases, roundabouts are high areas of use and are designed to slow down traffic. Yet, in our current culture, traffic roundabouts also reveal the busyness around us; the high impact of “activity”; and the fast pace in which we live.

These areas, at times, are marked with hardness due to overuse, displays of decay because of the bustle; and hotspots for accidents to occur.

This can also happen to our hearts.

This post is about practical ways finding grace in the midst of the grinds of life.

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What I Seem to Not Shake Off: The Tiring Effects of Covid?

Have you ever been tired before?

I mean, not the tired from a busy season of ministry OR a weekend away for a conference/camp OR staying up too late binging on the latest show, but tired beyond reason?

A tiredness that seems to sink into me emotionally, relationally, spiritually.

Been there before?

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BEYOND COVID: Four Leadership Trends

COVID-19 is changing the way we will live, lead, and love. AND, we won’t know all the change COVID will create yet simply because we are still in the middle of it. With all the new normals you and I are experiencing, there will be trends beyond BEYOND C-19. Here is what I see in leadership:

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Experiencing COVID Fatigue? 5 Practical Ways to Find Self-Care in the Midst of Crisis

Crisis causes exhaustion, fatigue, and pain. And yet, crisis gives leaders opportunity to rise to the occasion. To find opportunities to ministry in the midst of obstacles. To adapt and influence. And, with that said, find creative ways to experience self-care in the midst of crisis. Here are 5 practical ways to experience self-care in the midst of COVID:

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