What I Seem to Not Shake Off: The Tiring Effects of Covid?

Have you ever been tired before?

I mean, not the tired from a busy season of ministry OR a weekend away for a conference/camp OR staying up too late binging on the latest show, but tired beyond reason?

A tiredness that seems to sink into me emotionally, relationally, spiritually.

Been there before?

In fact, I haven’t experienced this type of tiredness for a long time. It is a tiredness that I cannot seem to shake off. Sleep, eating healthy, intentional rhythms of time aren’t helping like they have used to. And, I find it hard to pinpoint WHY I am so tired.

So, I have reached out to others around me I trust. My wife Annick (who thinks I may be having a mid-life crisis), friends, and colleagues; which surprisingly enough, are experiencing this type of tiredness too!

Maybe you can relate?

Perhaps it’s COVID. Perhaps it is the unknown. Perhaps it is the leadership adrenaline dive. Perhaps it’s a journey I am on.

In any case, I have found a few spots in life which has caused me this type of tiredness before. Grief. Heartbreak. Pain. Loss. AND in these times, it is EASY (believe me) to loose heart, perspective, and hope.

Been there?

AND in any case, I have found it extremely important to continue to stay focused on what is important (family, friends, faith) during times of tiredness. For me, it has always been a discovery back to the WORD.

This is WHY I am writing this post at 12:33AM. I hope to encourage you in the midst of your tiredness. Truth be told, I hope this post can bring you hope, heart, and healthy perspective. If not, your tiredness can lead to discouragement, disappointment, bitterness, resentment, and much more to be honest. That is WHY I writing.

A couple years ago, I wrote a devotional for leaders who were wrestling with discouragement that I want to give access to you. If you are interested in battling tiredness by finding hope, heart and health in the midst of this COVID-culture, feel free to check it out here.

I hope it can serve you well.