Posts tagged discipleship
Facing the Trolls Under the Bridge: The Mental Health Issues We All Face

Of all the things that demand your day, what trolls live under your bridge?

It is easy to fill our days with work, home responsibilities, busyness, and online distractions where the trolls; if not managed well, want to fester, grow, and show their ugly faces in the most random places/spaces.

I call these trolls mental health issues.

AND, we all face them!

This POST is HOW to face them. Feel free to ADD to the conversation.

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Embracing the NOW: 5 Ways to Pass the Leadership Baton to the Next Generation

I get the honour and privilege to meet with leaders in various of contexts, ministries, and generations throughout North America. I don’t say this as a humble brag or to puff myself up but to share with you what I am experiencing and my leadership insights with you. I hope you get my perspective too…

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BEYOND COVID: Four Leadership Trends

COVID-19 is changing the way we will live, lead, and love. AND, we won’t know all the change COVID will create yet simply because we are still in the middle of it. With all the new normals you and I are experiencing, there will be trends beyond BEYOND C-19. Here is what I see in leadership:

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