Signs of the Times: 3 Practical Leadership Responses in a Covid Culture

It was Super Bowl XLIX, February 1, 2015. Remember that day?

It was the day Malcom Butler from the Patriots single-handledly SEALED the Super Bowl victory from the Seahawks.

One play. One person. One player who READ the play and RESPONDED.

In the same way, good leaders are ABLE to read the play. To understand the signs. To be able to respond in courage.

How are you responding to the times in a Covid culture? Here are three practical ways to respond.

Discern the Times

There is a key-leadership principle to survive during difficult times. For those who harness this leadership principle come out stronger, clearer, and lead in confidence. It is called leadership resiliency. It is the ability to bounce back. And one of the best way(s) to bounce back in resiliency is to understand the times. How do you understand the times? Here are some ways I discern the times:

  • Study cultural trends and themes,

  • Study popular music and figures,

  • Trusted news and topics,

  • Study your network as you lead, pastor, teach, and

  • Pray for the Spirit to guide,

I find these are key ways to discern the times.

Collaborate with Trusted Leaders

Good leaders discern the times but they also know they don’t have all the answers. And in a Covid-culture, which is new for all of us, it is important to collaborate with others. To discuss, glean, learn, and pray with each other. Out of collaboration brings clarity of thought, action plans, and contextualized resources. With DUCO, we have been able to collaborate with great leaders who have provided contextualized resources for you. I hope these resources can be an encouragement to you:

Act Now

Last, not only do leaders discern the times and collaborate to find contextualize resourcing, but leaders need to act. Too often leaders are either too paralyzed by fear and do nothing OR react out of fear rather than have a thought out, strategic, and spirit-led response.

This is WHY DUCO exists. To help discern the times, collaborate with trusted leaders, offer practical resources, and support with strategic coaching.

If you feel stuck to READ the times and are foggy in ways to RESPOND, feel free to reach out to us. We would be honoured to work alongside you.