A New Normal: How to Lead and Minister in a COVID-Culture

How do you handle crisis?

How do you digitally disciple + shepherd people when the world is socially distant?

How do you lead + minister in a new normal?

Please KNOW you are not ALONE.

These are some of the questions we tackled with Dr. Andrew Evans from Summit Pacific College, Dr. Marv Penner with The Coalition for Youth Ministry Excellence, and Lewis Chifan from Broadway Church. Here are some of the highlights:

  • “Leaders define direction. In a crisis, direction can be lost.” - Marv Penner,

  • “Digital discipleship is not the future of ministry but it is important.” - Andrew Evans,

  • “Don’t do ministry alone, online.” - Lewis Chifan,

  • “Crisis is unexpected, unanticipated, unpredictable, uncontrollable, and yet God is still unshakable in His nature and character.” - Marv Penner,

  • “Significant ministry HAPPENS in significant relationships.” - Andrew Evans,

  • “Face to face + old fashion phone calls go a long way in a lonely + distant culture.” - Lewis Chifan

If you couldn’t make it to the ZOOM call, I encourage you to watch the 75 minute presentation here. It has some great content, practical advice, and contextualized resourcing for you:

The heart of this leadership chat with DUCO is a RESOURCE to you! We are not opportunistic. We are not taking advantage of this crisis. We are simply here to serve you. This is what DUCO represents + exists for.

How are you leading in a new normal? Feel free to add your comments below.