Posts tagged fatigue
What I Seem to Not Shake Off: The Tiring Effects of Covid?

Have you ever been tired before?

I mean, not the tired from a busy season of ministry OR a weekend away for a conference/camp OR staying up too late binging on the latest show, but tired beyond reason?

A tiredness that seems to sink into me emotionally, relationally, spiritually.

Been there before?

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Experiencing COVID Fatigue? 5 Practical Ways to Find Self-Care in the Midst of Crisis

Crisis causes exhaustion, fatigue, and pain. And yet, crisis gives leaders opportunity to rise to the occasion. To find opportunities to ministry in the midst of obstacles. To adapt and influence. And, with that said, find creative ways to experience self-care in the midst of crisis. Here are 5 practical ways to experience self-care in the midst of COVID:

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