Posts tagged digital age
Engaging the Digital Age: 21 Practical Ideas to Engage People ONLINE

In a day and age where everyone + anyone is ONLINE, it is critical to know what to do to practically. How do you engage people well? How do you stay connected? As I continue to connect with leaders and pastors who are looking for practical ideas, I figured Iā€™d write down 21 practical ways to engage people ONLINE. Feel free to check out it and ADD to the conversation.

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A New Normal: How to Lead and Minister in a COVID-Culture

How do you handle crisis?

How do you digitally disciple + shepherd people when the world is socially distant?

How do you lead + minister in a new normal?

This is what Dr. Andrew Evans, Dr. Marv Penner, Lewis Chifan, and DUCO Leadership tackle. This leadership chat exists to be a RESOURCE to you! We are not opportunistic. We are not taking advantage of this crisis. We are simply wanting to serve you. Please KNOW that you are not ALONE.

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Entering Into A New Decade: 10 things I have learnt about the last 10 years

As a new decade is on the horizon, the best way to plan + prepare for a new decade is to see what the last decade has taught us. Here are 10 things that I have learnt about the last 10 years.

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