Facing the Trolls Under the Bridge: The Mental Health Issues We All Face

Today, I decided to look under the bridge.

Of all the things that demand my day, looking under the bridge is most important.

It is easy to fill my day with work, home responsibilities, busyness, and online distractions where the trolls; if not managed well, want to fester, grow, and show their ugly faces in the most random places/spaces.

I call these trolls mental health issues.

AND, we all face them!

In fact, according to the Center of Disease and Prevention, mental health issues has risen 32% since COVID. Over 40% of the general population are experiencing COVID related stress and mental health issues.

In short, 1 in 3 adults are wrestling with mental health issues.

Are you experiencing trolls?

Maybe these trolls want to hide themselves through perfectionism or workholicism or self-medication or experienced in loneliness or anxiety and depression.

Whatever you and I wrestle with, facing the trolls is important. If not, they want to take over…

So, how do we face the trolls?

For me, exercise, reading, prayer, my wonderful spouse, counselling, and key relationships has helped me face them. And yet, to go even deeper, I ask the question “why”.

When the trolls want to show their ugly faces, I take the time to ASK, “why” five times:

  • “why am I feeling this way?”

  • “why am I reacting this way?”

  • “why did ______________ cause this response?”

  • “why does ______________ affect me so much?”

  • “why is this reoccurring in me?”

And when I’m able to ask “why” 5x, I am able to understand my trolls. And when I’m able to understand the trolls, I’m able to respond (rather than react) to the trolls. And, to respond well, is to recognize HOW to deal with the trolls under the bridge.

If you’re still reading this, I encourage you to take the time to ask “WHY” 5x.

During this week, WHY NOT go deep, write down your answers to the 5 “WHYS”’s, pray, and find the courage to face the trolls under your bridge.

It is worth it!

AND, to encourage you even further, you’re not alone. There is an amazing God who is with us, for us, and works alongside us. Remember, you are a NEW creation who are loved, cherished, and through the Holy Spirit, empowered with courage to face the trolls* and experience transformation.

How do you face the trolls? Feel free to add to the conversation.

*see 2 Corinthians 5:17, Acts 1:8; Galatians 5:17-23.