A DUCO Conversation: Ministry Trends in 2021

As you would know (AND have experienced), 2020 was an abnormal year. COVID has either revealed existing problems or issues in ministerial leadership AND/OR emerged celebrations for churches who have pivoted well. Have you experienced this?

With that said, as churches continue to pivot and create avenues for ministry in 2021, here are some trends DUCO (a network of ministerial leaders through Canada) is seeing in churches (AND, feel free to add to the conversation):

Connection over Content

This is nothing new. Most of us would be experiencing this reality. Online attendance has dropped in many contexts. And, content (no pun intended) is revealing the disengagement trap of the online world. There are so many competing contexts that people are being overwhelmed with content. And, the longer churches need to present online content, the further disengagement churches are experiencing.

With that said, engagement is rising with churches who are able to build intentional avenues for connection ONLINE and ONSITE. How are you building engagement in your church?

Relational Care over Relational Programming

Furthermore, DUCO is seeing a rise of relational care over relational programming. What we mean with this is people are craving pastoral care, shepherding needs (such as prayer, personalized Scripture reading, spiritual care) over relational programming from events and/or smaller gatherings. We think pastoral care will rise in 2021. If churches are able to build intentional structures for pastoral and spiritual care to thrive, engagement will rise for churches. How are you intentionally building care in your church? What ideas/initiatives have worked and/or have not worked?

Empowering Others for Ministry over Spiritual Consumption

In addition, as the Church is becoming more decentralized from a “building”, empowering saints for ministry will be an ongoing trend in 2021. This means clergy/ministerial leadership will need to build pathways to empower people for ministry in their homes, communities, and workplaces. How are you empowering your local context for ministry?

A Focus on Ministry towards Local Communities congruent with Congregants

Furthermore, DUCO is seeing churches (who are thriving, not just surviving) have shifted their focus to meet practical needs within their local communities. You might has seen the latest papers and TV news who are highlighting churches who are reaching needs within the community.

And, throughout the history of the Church, the Church actually thrives during times of crisis. How are you meeting practical needs in your community?

A Renewed Hunger for Spiritual Disciplines

More important, there has been a renewed hunger for God. As we start 2021, we are hearing from ministerial leaders that their focus is on spiritual disciplines, being Spirit-led, and more attentive to God rather than visionary and/or strategic processes. Even though ministerial leaders need both, it is encouraging to hear spiritual leaders are hungry for God. This would include congregants as well.

A Move towards Covenantal Communities

Last, DUCO is seeing a rise towards covenantal communities with a focus on care, character, and outreach. We have seen these covenantal communities thrive when the focus is clear, leadership is clarified, and groups are no more than seven. We have seen the rise in these communities because of the competing nature of living in a digital age and personal voices not being heard. For more details on this, feel free to reach out to Andy.

What trends can you see in 2021?

If you would like to join a collective of ministerial leaders on resources or strategies for ministry in 2021, join DUCO anytime here.