The PERKS of Being a Youth Worker

If you are reading this then you must be working with youth. For some reason* working with youth in my blood... If youth ministry could be hooked up to my veins I would have it injected into my system everyday all day.**

Most people experience youth ministry for a short time (between 18 months - 3 years). This happens for a few reasons...

1. Practically, you are living on craft dinner and need a real job that pays

2. Spiritually, you feel called to "serious" ministry and need a real congregation***

3. Relationally, you feel alone, overworked, and under appreciated.

YET.. beyond the burdens there are great benefits in youth ministry. You don't need to fulltime position in some large church to be involved and enjoy the benefits. Here are a few that come to mind:

Benefit one - teens are bluntly honest

Benefit two - teens are extremely relational... And if guided well will be loyal

Benefit three - teens make great babysitters

Benefit four - teens are more open and assesible to receive the Gospel than any other stage of life

Benefit five - teens grow up... And are willing to go to bat for you.

Benefit six - teens like to have fun

Benefit seven - parents love you

Benefit eight - you can tell a teen when they are being a jerk and love you for it (doesn't happen with adults very well)

Benefit nine - teens maturing in their faith is contagious

Benefit ten - remember when moments...

Don't let the burdens overshadow the great work you are going. The benefits will becoming... And you will find some great babysitters for FREE.

*guess God created me this way

** no I don't have a drug problem

***enter sarcasm here