Posts tagged self-awareness
Spiritual Roundabouts: 5 Ways To Find Grace In The Grind of a COVID-culture

Have you ever been in a round about? A busy traffic circle?

In most cases, roundabouts are high areas of use and are designed to slow down traffic. Yet, in our current culture, traffic roundabouts also reveal the busyness around us; the high impact of “activity”; and the fast pace in which we live.

These areas, at times, are marked with hardness due to overuse, displays of decay because of the bustle; and hotspots for accidents to occur.

This can also happen to our hearts.

This post is about practical ways finding grace in the midst of the grinds of life.

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5 Insecurities EVERY Leader Wrestles With (And How to Overcome)


Crisis reveals hearts. Crisis gives you and I opportunity to help others. Crisis helps leaders to innovate, be creative, and adjust. AND crisis can cause anxiety, fear, and insecurity. How you handle crisis reveals what type of leader you are. How has this modern-day unprecedented  crisis shaped your leadership? Here are 5 practical ways to fight insecurity and lead with confidence during crisis.

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