Posts tagged infobesity
Infobesity: The Science Behind the Pings, Dings, and Dopamine

 Attention Economy is ONE of the many strategies digital platforms use to keep you engaged in digital activity.

For example, the science behind the pings and dings of your digital device is to offer you small hits of dopamine. Like a key opening the front door to your home, dopamine stimulates the neurons of your brain to engage you in activity.

The question is, who OR what has your ultimate attention? The digital or the divine?

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Engaging the Digital Age: 21 Practical Ideas to Engage People ONLINE

In a day and age where everyone + anyone is ONLINE, it is critical to know what to do to practically. How do you engage people well? How do you stay connected? As I continue to connect with leaders and pastors who are looking for practical ideas, I figured Iā€™d write down 21 practical ways to engage people ONLINE. Feel free to check out it and ADD to the conversation.

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