5 takeaways from TO

I had a few people who couldn’t be at TO this year who were asking me, “how did it go?” So, I figured I would put a post together to build some takeaways from TO:

Burnout doesn’t happen because of working too hard, but by NOT managing stress well.

This was a great takeaway! Lucas + Lisa talked about dealing with stress well; which includes: 1) building margin in our lives to slow down, 2) inviting people into our stories, and 3) dealing with our stuff by taking personal inventory of our lives + ministry.

Personal Ministry Determines Public Effectiveness in Ministry

This is so true! Character determines effectiveness in the long haul, not competencies. It is the ability to stay resilient, flexible, pliable, and grow personally. We do this through self-examination, self-awareness, spiritual disciplines, and community (a lot like the Habits of Jesus).

Embrace Your Humanity

Brokenness is about our humanity – our own brokenness and/or the brokenness of others. Embracing our humanity is relying on God’s grace; to walk through our lives and ministry effectively. We embrace our humanity BY embracing His grace, not by works IN ministry.

Strengthen Your Habits Around Jesus

Strengthening habits requires intentionality. We cannot always prepare for the mess of ministry but we can ALWAYS prepare our heart, mind, soul, strength FOR ministry. 

Be a Life-long Learner

Effectiveness in ministry is about learning. Learning is about staying humble because our ministries, competencies, numbers don’t impress God... our humility does. Faithfulness in ministry – learning, growing, persevering – leads us to be fruitful. Here are some resources that jumped out at TO:


Reimagining The Examen - daily spiritual practices towards wholeness


Leading on Empty - Wayne Canderio 

A Better Way to Think - Dr. Norman Wright 

Beyond the Screen: Youth Ministry for the Connected But Alone Generation - Andrew Zorschky 

iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us - Jean Twenge 

Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality - Nancy Pearcy

Messy Grace - Caleb Kaltenbach 


Gospel Identity Conference by Tim Keller (preaching series 2017)

I hope this helps strengthen your habits around the example of Jesus. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you?

Enjoy the Journey NGM leader!