The Real Deal on Porn + How to Deal with It Well

God created SEX... Sex is good, fun, and HIS plan. How awesome is that? 

With that said, PORN has objectifed sex to be a secular activity. Sex is meant to be sacred. Consequently, porn ruins relationship(s) with yourself, your loved ones, and God. Confronting pornography is confronting a narcisstic and self-centered culture. Sexuality has – to some degree – been defined by pornography rather than Scripture. It is important to be resourced in this area and have the confidence to be able to combat this sexual epidemic.  It is also important to do accountability well, willing to do the hard work to disciple our communities in combating sexual battles AND create much needed boundaries against porn.

Jesus said porn cheapens sex. The real deal on PORN is how porn has cheapened God's design for sex... and how to deal with porn: 

We are all TARGETED 

Porn used to be searched out but now porn searches us out. Porn is easily accessible, available and private. For resources, online software and relationships help us when porn comes our way.

We are all TEMPTED

Temptation to look "else where" or to "fulfill a need" is always there. Scripture encourages people that "all temptation is common to man and yet God provides a way out." For you and I, accountability websites, books and good friends help deter temptation from the face of porn. 

We all have TRIGGERS

Porn MAY become a trigger for young Christian leaders. A trigger is a self-medicated mechanism for self-care. In pastoral ministry, the top five triggers* is unresolved conflict, isolationism (being in a rural church for example), loneliness (lack of deep relationships), busyness, fatigue and control issues. These can all be causes to self-medicate with pornography. 

Unfortunately, porn WON'T satisfy. 

Knowing your triggers HELPS understand how to fight the battle against porn. Healthy fills - such as physical activity, personal encounters with God, good friends, healthy eating, etc. - help combat the triggers toward pornography. 

Out of the top 5 ministry triggers, what do you deal with the most? And what are the fills that you need in your life to help combat those triggers?

We all have TRENCHES

The next two levels of porn need professional help... as addiction sets in.

Those trenched in pornography are MORE attracted to porn than their spouse or significant other. This concept of porn will ruin and break relationships. Counselling is the best resource for those who feel trenched. 

We have all been TRAPPED 

The reality of being trapped is feeling hopeless and depressed. Being trapped needs intervention. With those who have been trapped in porn, professional help (counselling) and intervention helps START the healing process to wholeness.

Be encouraged. Be resourced. Be whole. Enjoy SEX HOW God created it... He KNOWS best because sex was HIS idea.