What Romance looks like in REAL life

I typically don't take time to write on romance because - to be honest - I think romance from Hollywood is bogus. NOW, don't get me wrong, I love romancing my wife with thoughtful gifts, a get-away together, breakfast in bed, a quality date, or spontaneous cards/ideas sharing my love with my love. It is an awesome moment when romance brightens up my wife's life; I see it as she smiles with her eyes... YET romance is so much DEEPER than things. Here are some thoughts about romance in REAL life:

1. Romance is for EVERY day life... not just special days

Valentines, anniversaries, birthdays are special occasions and need to be celebrated. Romance during special occasions are great but aren't designed - by God - to simply be for special occasions. LIFE is busy, full, and sometimes, chaotic. Romance throughout every day life brings a couple together for the long haul, not just on special occasions. 

2. Romance is DIFFERENT for everyone

Understanding love languages is important. I remember getting a gift for my wife that I thought was romantic. It was our first year of marriage and money was tight. I was literally trying to scrap money all year to get her something she has been wanting for a long time. I wanted to surprise her with a practical gift on her birthday, and expected her to be surprised by the genuine love and romance. Instead, she was disappointed because I bought her a kitchen knife. I know... not the most romantic GIFT but my thoughts were there... lol.

With that said, I had to understand what her love languages were to romance her better. We all have love languages - physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service and gifts. KNOWING your top two (and your spouses) will help you understand that romance is different for everyone.

3. Romance is DEEPER than a feeling

Culture has cheapened romance to a feeling. NOW... feelings come and go (and feelings are good) BUT love doesn't change. Romance given through LOVE is so much more powerful than given through a feeling. 

4. Romance is Good

The cool thing about romance is that you and I can always get better at it. Loving your spouse is a journey and MORE than a destination... Romance can be fun, creative and encouraging. 

How do you romance your spouse in everyday life?

Andy GabruchComment