FOUR Practical WAYS to be CREATIVE in Ministry

I was driving home one night after a youth ministry event and I was exhausted. My mind felt numb, my body felt like cooked spaghetti and I looked like I was hungover walking through the door from a FULL day of ministry.

YET, I had such a FULL heart of what God did that night. We had a record breaking attendance with tons of broken kids flowing through the doors to check out something that has been buzzing in the town for months. We mentored a half-dozen teens who wanted to be all that God wanted them to be, ran out of Bibles, and much more…

It was exhausting… yet exhilarating!

My prayer is that you find the balance of both… ministry can be draining but uplifting at the same time.*

With that said, the fruit above didn’t come overnight; but prayer over many, many, many nights and colligating “God” ideas to build a ministry HE desired. So here are some of my practical ideas to be CREATIVE in ministry:

FIND A Quiet Place To Generate Ideas

2/3 of all generated ideas come in the morning (our brains are stimulated to work sharper in the morning), hence, 87% of people who have generated ideas come from the shower, working out, in creation or in a quiet place.**

WRITE Down Your Ideas

Ideas come and go... and therefore they are so important to write down. For me, if I didn’t write down an idea I quickly forgot about it. 

ANALYZE Ideas With Reflection With Key Friends And Mentors

Good friends and mentors are sounding boards. With your ideas they can determine if those ideas are good, bad, not timely, timely or godly.

Implement Refined Ideas To GOALS

Of course, ideas ultimately come from God (Genesis 2; Proverbs 29:11; 1 Corinthians 2:9) and it is a process of determining Gods will in your life/ministry context. 

I would love to be a mentor in this process as you determine God’s very best for your ministry #youngpastor. Feel free to comment, add to the conversation and stay in touch.


*How to create a life on rhythm and balance check out my post here. 

**Quiet time with our Great God.