5 Practical IDEAS to Reach + Engage Millennials

For the first time in history, the millennial generation (born 1980-2000) has surpassed the boomer generation in population - OVER 78 million people in North America. In addition to this, this generation is the least reached people group with the Gospel.

We have to ask ourselves why? Why is the largest generation of our time unreached and disengaged from Church?

So, here are some thoughts to reach and re-engage Millennials:

Millennials Want and Need Shared Influence and Purpose

- Like any generation, they have to FEEL (in a whole new way) to be listened to and engaged

- IDEA:  Have a set of questions to engage millennials. Get to know them relationally. Relationship is the currency of influence for millennials.

Millennials wont engage in the WHAT if they don’t know the WHY

- The good thing is, millennials will engage in the WHAT when they know (and are a part of the) the WHY

- Communicate the WHY. Too often we start with the WHAT. If this happens, millennials will disengage

- IDEA: be intentional in relationships. This is the first generation WHO doesn’t need the older generation to start things. They desire to have quality relationships over stature or power.

Give them opportunities to lead in significant ways

- This is a generation who has been raised with everything done quickly. They have never waited for anything

- Millennials are MORE led (than any other generation before them) by their peers. Social media, networks, connectivity is their primary influence and outlet for influencing.

- IDEA: Let Millennials be the FOUNDERS of the FUTURE. Help them find their place. DO you have millennials in areas of significant leadership?

Millennials have a new set of employment expectations

- If expectations aren’t met, millennials will start up things themselves. These new standards of expectations are based on an EPIC generation (Leonard Sweet):

E – experiential

P – participatory

I – Image enriched

C – connected

IDEA: Build an advisory group who can engage and influence millennials and their social networks. 

Millennials are loyal to relationship and common purpose, not pay or opportunity (they can find that anywhere)

- Millennials stay single later in life that gives them the freedom to wander and not take responsibility,

- IDEA: Give them space to lead in the bigger picture of the organization and lead relationally. 

Ultimately, Millennials HAVE the majority of influence in present history. I encourage you - with ALL diligence – to reach and engage millennials so that the next generation of Church will thrive and succeed.