Why @Historymakerbc is #morethanaconference

Throughout the years, @HistorymakerBC has been a catalyst for life change and transformation for thousands of students.  Of course, @HistorymakerBC includes all the crazy lights, the electric sound that you feel more than you hear, and great shows… YET it has so much more in it as…

@HISTORYMAKERBC is #morethanaconference because it has been – and will always be – about life change!

HM's purpose is to offer an opportunity for every person who attends a life-altering encounter with the living God so that they would be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to reach their friends for Christ. This will always be the heart of HM! Our desire is for students to have a life-altering encounter with God wherever their journey of faith is at. 

@HISTORYMAKERBC is #morethanaconference because it is about the whole year – not just May Long Weekend.

HM is more than the May Long Weekend because HM resources #youngpastors and students with yearlong mentorship, discipleship streams and leadership coaching. You can check out all the details at www.nextgenbc.ca.

Finally, @HISTORYMAKERBC is #morethanaconference because it is about family… family on Mission

Everyone desires a family who sticks together... a family who brings out the best in each other. Family is to support, encourage, fight and come alongside each other in every season of life. More so, the New Testament family comes together – because of Christ – to reveal the GOSPEL (the Good News of Jesus) to the World. Historymaker is family…you and I on Mission.

So, this coming May Long Weekend relaunches the opportunity for life change, resourced to be all God desires you and I to be, remembering that we BELONG to the family on the mission Christ calls us on.

Together… the @HistorymakerBC family can make HISTORY. 

For more information on Historymaker as #morethanaconference, check out www.historymaker.ca