10 MUST reads for #youngpastors

For those who have asked,* here are my top ten books, blogs, websites and social media that have helped me in my development as a #youngpastor:


ANYTHING from the Bible… I love the book of Proverbs, the Gospels, the Letter to the Philippians and the book of Romans. NOTHING compares to the wisdom in the Bible YET the following books bring out some important truths (from God):

The Call by Os Guinness

Leadership that Works by Neal Anderson

First Two Years in Youth Minisrty by Doug Fields

Top 10 Mistakes Leaders Make by Hans Finzel

Spiritual Leadership by J Oswald Sanders

Youth Management Tools by Youth Specialities

Sustainable Youth Ministry by Mark DeVries

Built to Last by Jim Collins

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Convey

Lead Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard








Anything from Michael Hyatt.

Perry Noble is good.

Loved stuff from Carey Neiuwhof.

Social Media


I LOVE gleaning wisdom from people in the Twitterverse. A mentor once said to me: “I'll show you your future if you show me your friends.” This is so true. I encourage you to find people you can learn from ONLINE. In fact, Twitter has given me the opportunity to interact with some of the key spiritual leaders around the world over the phone and through skype; it has been a bridge to building friendships and big picture Kingdom conversations.


For me, facebook is DEEPER than connecting with friends AS MUCH AS connecting people with the Kingdom. My desire is to be a HUB of Kingdom connectedness so others can be connected with Christ. The temptation – as talking with #youngpastors – is to compare or compete with others as they look through Facebook Timelines. Unfortunately, some #youngpastors feel deflated and discouraged. This isn’t what FB should be… it should help you connect with people SO that you can connect them with the Kingdom.  

What are your MUST reads? ADD to the conversation. 

*All throughout BC and the Yukon