When Love is Lame...

I think the English translation for love is lame... it makes love unjust and casual. In fact, the English translations demeans it to a base of feelings, states, or attitdues... Most of it seems to be based on a “feeling” – I fall “in” or “out” of love. In other words you and I can experience love in a moment or... maybe not... AND yet it seems to make the experience of love so weak... it is truly lame.

Over the past month I have noticed I have had to try to explain the term “love” in a more holistic approach. Teenagers, engaged couples, and broken-hearted singles tend to ask how to REMAIN in love... Here is what I THINK LOVE is... in levels:

  • Love is romantic – this is the feeling love that you and I get but it seems like our culture ONLY stays in this type of love.
  • Love is friendship – a relationship without friendship is not a relationship at all. It is just a fake and floosy. In fact, you cannot LOVE someone until you get to know the “real” person first. Heads up this will save you from a lot of heartache
  • Love is unconditional – it is a choice to LOVE. This is the ultimate level of love. LOVE that loves no matter what, a commitment to serve and bring out the best in each other, and it is a daily approach

My question to you is... have you experienced unconditional love?? -  A love that loves you no matter what? The million dollar question is not about HOW you have experienced unconditional love as much as do you KNOW where unconditional love comes from?

Check out 1 John 3:16.

Don’t let love be lame...