Pressures in Ministry and Life

Over the last 10 years of working in a church I have noticed ministry flows in seasons. There are busy seasons that my responsibilities and life's obligations outweigh my fills. For example, my busiest seasons have been in September-October, February-March, and May-June. Furthermore, with a growing family of 6 the balancing act of ministering to my family and context is a continual and progressive reality.

There is also slow seasons in ministry where training, vision, and planing can take place BUT it is important to know your busy/slow seasons ahead of time. What are your busy/slow seasons in ministry? 

Furthermore, during those busy seasons here are some of the pressures I face:

  • Busyness - I am currently in a busy season and to be honest I find myself where my obligations and responsibilities are CONSUMING more of my time than my fills. This is just the reality... YET it is so important to discipline fills; such as being with Jesus, activities with the kids, date nights, and being active. What are your fills? OR are your responsibilities and obligations outweighing your fills?
  • Lack of Safety Nets - Sometimes life throws you things and it is a temptation to listen to the lies, "You are alone in this," "No one will understand," "You have to figure this out" RATHER than listen to the voice of wisdom. The mentors and wisdom found in the Bible has given me great perspective and focus when I am tempted to give in that no one is there to comfort, give support, or provide.
  • Clouded Calling - because of busyness, responsibilities, obligations, and seemingly lack of support can create a clouded calling. This is the reality of NOT seeing clearly between God and myself... sometimes anger, frustration, and disappointment with God and others can easily set in if I dont press into the presence of God and TRUST in Him.

This is why we need to understand the pressures of ministry and life RATHER than allowing the pressures to limit our potential. I encourage you today NOT to be consumed by the Monday Morning Hangovers but to rejoice in the midst of the pressures. Know your FILLS, KNOW your God, trust HE is good and in control...

Happy Monday!