Initiate Change for Growth. Champion the Existing.

Can you change an organization/church without disturbing the existing?


I have been working on this question for some time. Change is inevitable but change doesn’t guarantee growth in an organization AS MUCH AS health brings growth.

Nevertheless, the natural progression of growth and health has 4 components –Vision (v), Relationships (r) building teams, Programs (p), and Management (m). You need all 4 components to grow. But, how do you grow with change? Or, more importantly, how do you adapt to growth beyond the relationships, programs and the management? You need to initiate change...

Many organizations and churches initiate change without championing the existing. There are many ways to initiate change that cause damage* but I would propose an S-curve approach.

An S-curve approach develops a change outside of the existing and pulls it within the flow of an existing organization/church. This could be a building project, church on the web, multi-site paradigm, or initiating a new ministry. May I also suggest building a second budget OUTSIDE of the operational budget? This could include projects, innovation building, and builds clarity with the existing stake holders who may not want to change.  

It not only takes healthy organizations and churches to grow as well as to be SMART. To be smart, I think we need to:

S- be strategic in God’s plan and future for YOUR church (context)

T- thought-provoking with your leadership team on building SMART goals (clarity)

A-address areas that need to change (commitment to change)

R-relational – we live in a world that every voice has a say. Be collaborative or your people won’t buy into change (community focus)

T-transformational – be about Christ because ONLY Christ can change lives

An organization/church needs to lead and adapt rather than adjust and react. The difference a healthy smart church has is a strategic plan to move the organization – the people of God – to their full potential.

How are you initiating change to grow to your organizational/church potential?

Be healthy. Be smart.

Just some thoughts I needed to get out there...

*that is for another post