The Downside of a High

CBC just conducted a recent scientific study on the effects drugs in the lives of teenagers.

 Here are some of my thoughts and notes:

  • Marijuana is the highest illegal drug used in the world today. It potency has increased in the last twenty years.
  • Teenagers who start smoking marijuana before the age of 16 are 4-12 times MORE likely to have a mental condition or schizophrenic; which will either cause a decreased attention span in everyday realities to extreme behaviors of schizophrenia.
  • THC; which is the drug that effects the brain to get a high is the trigger that causes mental illness and/or conditions (as mentioned above - short attention spans, low grades, extreme mood swings, social disabilities)
  • Marijuana is currently laced with increasing amounts of THC compared to the 1960-70’s (1-2% compared to 18-25% in the last 10 years)
  • EXCESSIVE use of Marijuana increases dopamine in the brain; which controls moods and heightens awareness.
  • Dopamine is the ADDICTIVE quality triggered by smoking modern-day marijuana with increasing amounts of THC. This scientific data contrasts popular belief that marijuana isn’t addictive.
  • United Nations wants to classify modern-day marijuana to a different term based on the THC quantities in the drug
  • The big question is the difference between cannabidiol and THC? This is called the Pot paradox
  • In saying that, excessive (smoking up to 3-4x/week to 1-2x/day) use of marijuana can mess up brain development called neural pruning in adolescents; which may stifle adolescent development.
  • Teens smoke marijuana for short term effects (calmness, heightened awareness, etc.) has long term consequences (like eating McDonalds everyday… lol or like alcohol with a hangover)
  • Pot paradox – marijuana has neutral qualities of THC and CBD to decrease the addictive nature found in marijuana. In saying that, there are more qualities of THC in marijuana and therefore increasing addictive nature… and therefore concesquences.

In saying this, how much do you and I need to help, encourage, and coach teenagers to make wise choices by EDUCATING teenagers the risks and consequences (relationally and robbing their futures) of smoking marijuana?

Why teach adolescents about marijuana in the context from the 1960-70s than the current realities of of THC in marijuana today? Shouldn’t we be teaching our youth to live life to the fullest; find meaning, live in purpose, reach their FULL potential and make a difference in their worlds? Are we doing an injustice to teens who think marijuana has no addictive qualities or side effects; yet, we can conclude by scientific data that excessive use of marijuana cripples their futures and potential?